Records Repository
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Record Management

How to use to create and maintain a brief history of your glaucoma care – a free service for registered users

You rely on your doctor to maintain a history of your medical visits. This record may not be readily accessible in all circumstances. In fact, some patients don’t even remember the names of their doctors from the past. To help you better understand your glaucoma and develop a record that will be easily accessible at any time, we recommend that you keep a record of each doctor visit. Over time this will create a short history that may be useful for you in the future. Several key facts should be recorded for each visit.

  • Date of the doctor visit
  • Name of the Doctor
  • Your eye pressure in each eye
  • The medications you are currently taking
  • Notes about that particular visit

Click here to print out a sheet you can take with you to each doctor visit to help you record this information

When you are ready to enter your visit information click here.

To review or print your history click here.

Another service offered by is the ability to develop a full history of all your eye visits. The benefit of this chronological record of all your doctor visits is that should any doctor in the future want to review your glaucoma care, ALL of your records including visual fields, optic nerve photos, and full text images of each past doctor visit can be sent to you on a CD-ROM. The fee for this service includes document scanning, database management, and one CD-ROM each year as requested. Click here for more details on how to register and use this beneficial service.

Why should you consider registering for the premium package of medical records management – click here for some examples.